Water Cooled NIP Set

Water Cooled NIP Set
A Water Cooled Nip Roll Set and drive to be mounted at the top of the blown film extrusion tower. The nip rolls are constructed entirely of steel to provide maximum durability. The outer shell is 5/16 inch thick with a � inch spiral water passage between the outer and inner shell. The outer shell is covered with 5/16 inch thick 60 durometer hypalon. Water enters through a rotary union at one end of the roll and exits through a rotary union at the other end of the roll. The roll is turned to .002 inch TIR, static balanced, and pressure tested to 60 PSI.
The nip roll bearings are mounted in a frame to provide screw adjustment for position of one roll, with the other roll pneumatically retractable for start-up. This bearing frame mounts to the top of the customers extrusion tower. A safety emergency stop pull cable and switch is provided for mounting next to the nip set.
The nip rolls are driven by a 2HP, AC, polyphase motor through a reduction gearbox. The motor speed is controlled by a AC variable frequency drive.
Maximum Width: 84 inches.
Maximum Web Speed: 200 feet per minute.
Dimensions: 7 1/4 inch diameter by 86 inch wide cooling surface. Bearing journals are 1.500 inch diameter. Total length of shell and stub shafts up to 100 inches. Water entry and discharge ports 3/8-18 NPT female thread.
Weight: approximately 315 pounds.
Utility Requirements
Power: 240 or 480 VAC, 3.4/6.8 AMPS.
Air: 80 PSI clean, dry air.